Route 666
System: In Nomine
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 6 Spieler
✏️ | Hilary Sklar |
An In Nomine game for 6 players
Written by Hilary Sklar
You were born in the USA. From as early an age as you can remember your parents trained you to survive the Apocalypse. They sent you out to the bunker with some other kids, to see how well you had learned. Then, you guess, the Apocalypse happened. Everyone died. Most of the kids who were in the bunker died. There’s just six of you left now and you’re running out of water… No more left in Chicago.
You guess it’s time you planned to motor west…
You know about that from the juke box. Get your kicks on Route 666…
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2012) |
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