Spoils for War
System: LARP Iron Kingdoms
Teilnehmer: 15 Spieler
✏️ | Eóin Ó Dornáin |
An Iron Kingdoms LARP for 15 Players Written by Eoin “Siskey” Dornan
The famed explorer Maximillian Grincheux has returned from the utmost west to find Immoren in flames, his homeland occupied and civilisation on the brink of ruin. Therefore he has decided to become a patriot, selling the amazing treasures he has brought will come at a hefty price, and all will go to the freedom of Llael. And so the wealthy and powerful of the Iron Kingdoms have converged on Five Fingers, the only neutral ground left, to barter, scheme and even bid for these amazing artefacts, any one of which could turn the tide in the cataclysmic war that rages just outside Ord’s borders.
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2012) |
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