Operation: Falling Down
System: Mutants & Masterminds
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 5 Spieler
✏️ | Matty McMahon |
It’s 1951. Our Mighty War machine has brought the Allies to the brink of defeated all thanks to you, my Heroic Super Solders. Now it is time for strike final blow against the Allies. Our spy’s have learned that tonight they send their best Enhanced Humans against us in an effort to “turn the tide” HA! Well we shall see about that. Your orders are simple. Enter London unnoticed. Find and kill their commanders and burn the city to the ground. You leave within the hour, Dismissed.
A 5 persons Mutants and masterminds game. The sequel to Operation: Overthrow Olympus.
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2011) |
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