Logic Bomb
System: Shadowrun 4th Edition
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 5 Spieler
✏️ | Rónán Comaskey |
Rónán Comaskey |
On the streets, ‘Runners have a saying. “Never deal with dragons.” They’re immensely powerful, utterly alien, and unpredictable. No self-respecting shadowrunner will put himself in a
situation that unstable... unless the pay is good. Or it’s an offer you can’t refuse, of course. Unfortunately for you, when the Mr. Johnson came with the dragon’s offer, he made it very clear the latter was true. More fortunately, the former is true as well. It’s nasty work – a counterintelligence operation against a shadowy terrorist organisation, the Children of Ada – not
your usual style. But then, neither is going to the bottom of the bay with concrete overshoes.... and the pay is good...
A 4th Edition Shadowrun scenario for five Runners
Hier gespielt worden
Gaelcon (2011) |
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