Viva Atomic City!
System: Unknown Armies
✏️ | Meg Hilko |
✏️ | Eamon Honan |
Los alamos, New Mexico is the cradle of the Atomix Bomb. Inhabited by the cream of America's Atomic Scientists with more doctorates per capita than any other place on earth. Everyone here is the best, you´re going to be the best too, aren´t you son? I knew you would, you´re going to grow up and be Secretary of State or maybe even President some day. Aren´t you son? You won´t disappoint me? Will you?
Hier gespielt worden
WarpCon XI (2001) |
- From : An Unknown Armies scenario concerning the events when a bunch of horny high school teenagers decide to hang out in Los Alamos canyon. Meantime, a festival in Los Alamos designed to bring peace between scientists and residents of the twon is going more than a little wrong thanks to some radiation, one nutter, and a fair old whack of magic...
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