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Alexandria in Zahlen

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Escape from the Red Star

System: RWBY Fan System
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-6 Spieler


✏️Jamie Bowden

LepreCon XLII (2023), Goldsmith Hall, Trinity College, Dublin, Irland

OrgaJamie Bowden

Gaelcon (2023), Crowne Plaza Northwood, Dublin, Irland

OrgaJamie Bowden


Since the Time Before Time, you Matoran have laboured in the service of Mata Nui, the Great spirit; guarded by selected Matoran heroes, the Toa, and lead by Turaga, all under the remit of the three Virtues: Unity, Duty, Destiny. As long as you can remember, that is how things worked.

But now you remember dying, and you don’t remember how you ended up in that pod.

But here you are, in some abandoned facility being chased by the unnatural and the unliving; have you been thrown into the infernal pits of hellish Karzahni or has even Artakha fallen into the vile hands of the Makuta?

All you know is the last you remember you were Matoran, and now you’re Toa heroes.

Game set in the Bionicle universe using the RWBY fan system for 3-6 players.

Content warnings: Mechanical Body horror

Hier gespielt worden

LepreCon XLII (2023)
Gaelcon (2023)

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