Über Alexandria
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A trip from Reno to San Francisco and it’s all going south from here...

System: All Flesh Must Be Eaten


OrgaFredrik Nilsson
OrgaAndreas Petersson


Welcome! To this gory and brain-munching world of ALL FLESH MUST BE EATEN! This is a scenario written by Andreas Petersson for the convention in Gislaved 2009 (thus no intress resulted in it being tried again 2011), we got everything from mortal classes to zombie's and that's not it! YOU... The player... will be sitting at the best seat available ;) here to see a show you say? Guess what! YOU WILL BE A STAR!! The zombies are um, just.... interested in being co-casters right?.. Keep telling yourself that and you might just end up being someone's lunch as many zombies can team up in the gooring on one single poor human. The story I would like to tell is a fictional one of course, as there is no such things as zombies... werewolves or vampires in our world, but why tell such a story if it's just fictionally you ask? Because it's fun? Because it's stirring something deep and dark inside of us. Mankind has always told stories about monsters to scare their children or themselves when sitting around the campfire, tonight, we're sitting here around a table with our dices, a pen and a piece of paper ready to together tell a story which I do not know the ending and you do not know the start.. CAN THIS BE ANYMORE INTERESTING?! :D The short answer to this NO. The long answer well, that just has to wait and see.. The setting starts out with a short introduction here around this table of 6 where I, the Storyteller will in short describe each and everyone who have in someway found his or her way to the fictional city of 'Thirteen Pines'. The main reason why each and everyone is heading there will be discussed together and/or individually with me and the player. One thing is for sure! This will be a hell'uva ride which can only go south!

En elektrisk storm från stilla havet har blåst in över delar av landet och resultatet blev att all flygtrafik har stoppats. Resultatet? Ni blev strandsatta i €$£ lägg in nått annat Reno bara 32 mil från ett viktigt affärsmöte i San Francisco bestämmer du dig för att chansa på att färdas via landsväg istället. Turen ler emot dig och biluthyrnings servisen som flygbolaget äger är fortfarande öppet och mer än villiga till att hyra ut en bil med chafför. Men där tog turen slut, för oturligt nog har ni kört vilse eftersom vägskyltarna längre ut från Reno var brutna av stormen.. Natten är stormig och mörk, vattnet slår emot rutan och ni plockade upp en stackars vilsen liftare som också han var slut på "TUR". Ni kör vidare in i nattmörket och skåda! ÄR DET LJUS FRÅN EN STAD DÄR FRAMFÖR ER!?

Hier gespielt worden

CrossCon VIII (2011)

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