Fall of Rome
System: LARP
Teilnehmer: 6 Spieler
✏️ | Ben Allen |
Ben Allen |
Fall of Rome It is the summer of the Year of Our Lord 1231, and Rome is nervous beneath a clear sky. Rumours of barbarians in the East, rumours of fighting between the Elector Counts of the Holy Roman Empire, and rumours of ill health of Pope Gregory the 9th. But the Rome is the greatest city in the world, and surely nothing can truly threaten her?
You are one of the Secret Masters of Rome, with knowledge and power beyond the ken of ordinary men. Kings, Princes and even the Cardinals of the Church dance on your puppet strings. You know the truth behind the rumours; Ghengis Khan is coming! Already Constantinople has fallen to his horde, and his shamen have reached out ahead of his armies and struck down the Pope himself in the heart of the Vatican.
A council of the great and wise has been called by the Head of the Inquisition, and you have decided to attend…
Content Warnings: Several of the characters are murderous and inhuman, Christianity, Judaism and Satanism are important themes.
Hier gespielt worden
The Smoke (2022) |
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