Camelot's Court of Love
System: LARP
Teilnehmer: 10-23 Spieler, Male characters: 3-10, Female characters: 7-13
Veranstaltet von
Wilmark Dynasty
✏️ | John M. Corradin |
Camelot's Court of Love - Lady Elizabeth of York is outraged! Her tender affections have been trifled with! Her father the Duke has made every effort to appease her, yet King Arthur refuses to discipline his stalwart knight Sir Blaen. The Duke and his daughter have only one place to turn...Queen Quinevere's Court of Love!
The facts of the incident are undisputed. On a cool spring day, Lady Elizabeth was beset by brigands, rogues, and all matter of undesirables. Sir Blaen and his companions happened upon the site and made quick work of the villains. At Lady Elizabeth's pleading, Blaen soon thereafter jousted with the fair maiden's intended Sir Gaerth. The chivalrous knight fully intended to fall in the joust, but Sir Gaerth was such a lout and braggart, Blaen could not constrain himself from giving his opponent a thrashing. Now the lady doth protest too much that Blaen's actions were tantamount to a proposal of marriage!
The Queen's Court of Love has the final, unequivocally say in matters of the heart. Even the King, it is said, dare not interfere with its proceedings. Unfortunately for Sir Blaen and his companions all is not well between them and the Queen or her loyal Court of Love.
Join in this bit of courtly intrigue and help decide Sir Blaen's fate!
Hier gespielt worden
Intercon J (2010) |
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