8 x 40
Teilnehmer: 6-8 Spieler
✏️ | Graham Walmsley |
Graham Walmsley |
This is a workshop of 8 x 40, an experimental, immersive game about being in a shipping container, with seven people you haven't met before. It is about exploring what that feels like and how you react to it.
It's played in a rectangular area, 8 feet by 20 feet, which is the size of a shipping container. Throughout the game, there is a soundtrack, played through speakers, for the noises you can hear outside.
We'll start with a short workshop and warm-up exercises, then move quickly into the game itself.
Just to be clear: this is, genuinely, a game about being in a shipping container. There isn't a big secret, a way to escape or anything like that.
It's about the uncertainty of knowing what will happen to you, the experience of being confined with others and deciding what to do when it might not matter. We'll explore that very strange experience.
Oh, and did I mention it's a workshop? Sign up if you'd like to help me experiment with this game. Don't sign up if you're expecting something more polished.
Hier gespielt worden
Imaginary Consequences (2015) |
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