Edmond Y. Chang
💾 | ✏️ | The Secret Lives of Junk(kin) Drawers, Or, Why Marie Kondo Does(n't) Spork Joy | Golden Cobra Challenge (2023) |
Golden Cobra Challenge (2023)
The Secret Lives of Junk(kin) Drawers, Or, Why Marie Kondo Does(n't) Spork Joy: Nominiert, Honorable Mentions
We simply had to recognize this cute, prosocial game that actually prompts you to clean out your junk drawers. Beautifully framed, written, and conceived, The Secret Lives of Junk(kin) Drawers, or Why Marie Kondo does(n't) Spork Joy will help you sort your house - and your feelings - while fostering a reflection on what we keep and what we forget.
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