Stefan Hansson
(Alias: Stefan Tizar Hansson)
Knight Tales | Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |||
HeroVerse | ||||
Knight Tales: Expansion | Aarhus Brætspilsfestival '22 (2022) |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Knight Tales: Nominiert, Bedste Brætspil
En flok riddere forsvarer en by mod monstre i klassisk fantasy-stil. Om dagen skal de købe nyt udstyr, gå i kirke og pleje deres sår. Men når natten kommer, kæmper vores helte mod monstrene til de alle er nedlagt eller ridderne er gået i gulvet af træthed. Slipper monstrene igennem og overrender byen, er hele gruppen tættere på at tabe. Hvis ridderne derimod klarer sig gennem fire dages sårslikkeri og indkøb samt fire nætters hård kamp, så løber den
dygtigste helt med kongens gunst og sejren over de andre spillere.
Knight Tales nomineres for god brug af kendte spilmekanikker. Spillet er lige til at gå til, og det lækre spilflow gør det til en fornøjelse at spille igen og igen.
A group of knights defend a town against monsters in a classic fantasy setting. During the day they can buy equipment, go to church and tend their wounds. But when night falls, our heroes fight against monsters until they are all defeated or the heroes are exhausted. If the monsters get through however, they'll raid the town and everybody is closer to losing. If the knights make it through four days of wound licking and shopping and the accompanying four nights of intense fighting, the most valiant warrior is rewarded with the favor of the king and wins the game.
Knight Tales is nominated for its excellent use of well-known game mechanics. The game is very accessible and the smooth flow makes it a pleasure to play again and again.
dygtigste helt med kongens gunst og sejren over de andre spillere.
Knight Tales nomineres for god brug af kendte spilmekanikker. Spillet er lige til at gå til, og det lækre spilflow gør det til en fornøjelse at spille igen og igen.
A group of knights defend a town against monsters in a classic fantasy setting. During the day they can buy equipment, go to church and tend their wounds. But when night falls, our heroes fight against monsters until they are all defeated or the heroes are exhausted. If the monsters get through however, they'll raid the town and everybody is closer to losing. If the knights make it through four days of wound licking and shopping and the accompanying four nights of intense fighting, the most valiant warrior is rewarded with the favor of the king and wins the game.
Knight Tales is nominated for its excellent use of well-known game mechanics. The game is very accessible and the smooth flow makes it a pleasure to play again and again.
Viking-Con 37 (2018)
Knight Tales: Nominiert, Tiny game-designkonkurrence (Tredjeplads)
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