Tayler Stokes
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Redshift: Nominiert, Juryens Specialpris
Nomineres for at være et utroligt ambitiøst og gennemført simuleringsscenarie, hvor spillerne forvandles til astronauter. Der er konsekvenser ved alt - rumstøv skal fjernes, EVA dragter skal trykudlignes, og tiden går ubønhørligt tilbage på jorden. Dommerne har aldrig set noget lignende før.
Is nominated for being an incredible ambitious and well made simulation, where the participants are transformed into astronauts. Everything has consequences, space dust must be vacuumed, EVA suits have to be decompressed, and the time passes at a brutal rate back at earth. The judges have never seen anything quite like this.
Is nominated for being an incredible ambitious and well made simulation, where the participants are transformed into astronauts. Everything has consequences, space dust must be vacuumed, EVA suits have to be decompressed, and the time passes at a brutal rate back at earth. The judges have never seen anything quite like this.
Fastaval - Otto Under the Sea (2019)
The Black Pill: Nominiert, Bedste Virkemidler
Uden at tøve trækker alt fra opvarmning til baseball bats, groteske blyantstegninger og frastødende pornobilleder spillerne ned i et mørkt og kvindehadsk univers. Spillet skaber gennem virkemidlerne en forrået og rasende stemning der får sit ultimative afløb gennem et kynisk og rædselsvækkende voldsorgie.
Without hesitation everything from baseball bats, grotesque pencil drawings and repulsive pornography forces the players into a dark misogynistic universe. Through the mechanics the scenario creates a brutalized and furious atmosphere that delivers a supreme climax in a cynical and dread inducing orgy of violence.
Without hesitation everything from baseball bats, grotesque pencil drawings and repulsive pornography forces the players into a dark misogynistic universe. Through the mechanics the scenario creates a brutalized and furious atmosphere that delivers a supreme climax in a cynical and dread inducing orgy of violence.
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