Morten Havmøller Laursen
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Ti tusind lysår hjem: Nominiert, Bedste Formidling
Et komplekst scenarie med mange elementer, der bliver klart og tydeligt formidlet med fine grafiske hjælpemidler. Illustrationer er både med til at give stemning, men hjælper også til forståelsen af system, univers og sceneforløb. Hver side føles gennemarbejdet og som spilleder er man er i trygge hænder fra start til slut.
Through a clear text and graphical aids, the scenario clearly presents a complex game design with many elements. The illustrations both serve to create atmosphere, and to support the understanding of the rules, univers and storyline. Every page feels well thought out and as a gamemaster, one feels well looked after from start to finish.
Through a clear text and graphical aids, the scenario clearly presents a complex game design with many elements. The illustrations both serve to create atmosphere, and to support the understanding of the rules, univers and storyline. Every page feels well thought out and as a gamemaster, one feels well looked after from start to finish.
Ti tusind lysår hjem: Nominiert, Juryens Specialpris
Nomineres for at skabe rumskibe med sjæl, der udleves i både fysisk og virtuelt rum og dermed nytænke rollekonceptet på en gennemført måde. Sci-fi bringes op på et fascinerende og episk plan, hvor rumkampe på grund af rollerne får en helt ny dimension.
Is nominated for creating spaceships with a soul, and thus rethinking roles in a well though out way. The Sci-fi is brought up at a fascinating and epic level, where space battles are given a whole new dimension because of the characters.
Is nominated for creating spaceships with a soul, and thus rethinking roles in a well though out way. The Sci-fi is brought up at a fascinating and epic level, where space battles are given a whole new dimension because of the characters.
CONg Gulerods d. 2's store vinterfest | (2011) | Mad |
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