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TrashCon (2024)

Ort: Alte Nudelfabrik Zeitz, Deutschland 🗺️
Datum: 22. - 25. August 2024

Teil von: Sonstige

Über den Kongress:

Imagine a larp weekend without the larp.

Imagine no panic about getting into costume. No workshops that take up a whole day.

Imagine there’s nothing you must do, at all, imagine not having to calibrate that scene, not having to worry about whether you played that confrontation to your fullest potential. No stress, no forced endings, no bleed. No explaining your weird ass character background to the npc coordinator to try and brief them on that scene you need the half-spider-cyborg-Fae npc for.

Imagine you could have an afterparty every night. Imagine you could bring your kids and they could hang out and play with your international friends’ kids. Imagine you could chill all weekend in a hammock and chat with the people you call friends even though every time you meet, you pretend to be someone else.

Imagine Trashcon 2024.


PDF Trashcon Guide [Englisch] (0,3 MB)

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Goaticorn Goatboi
Organizer Lotta
Organizer Rok
Organizer Stefka
Organizer Tina



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