Hobby Horse
(AKA: Kæphest)
Genre: Drama
Participants: 1 GM, 3 players
✏️ | Nynne Søs Rasmussen |
🎨 | Orla Lærke Hatting |
📰 | Niels Jensen |
Scenario [Danish] | (0.7 MB) | |
Scenario [English] | (0.5 MB) |
Amina, Cecilie, and Olivia go to the same public school and are interested in performing dressage competitions on hobby horses. During the game they’ll develop a close friendship through their interest. All three of them are struggling with personal dilemmas connected to the hobby they love but fear their surroundings response to. The game takes place in a social housing block area north of Copenhagen, and follows the girls through a dark winter towards a beginning spring and a big competition they are training for.
The game will be played semi-live, and hobby horses will be provided for the players. The hobby horses Thunder, Silja and Eyvindur have their own personality and temperament, which the girls have made up. The horses can both enforce their owner’s personality traits or try to pull her in a whole other direction. The players will be taught how to animate the hobby horses and use them to affect the narrative in the introductory workshop.
Hobby Horse is a feel-good drama about the courage and vulnerability, which is a part of practicing a hobby, your surroundings might find difficult to understand.
Amina, Cecilie og Olivia går på samme folkeskole og dyrker konkurrenceridning på kæpheste, også kaldet hobbyhorsing. I løbet af scenariet udvikler de et tæt venskab i kraft af deres interesse. Alle tre kæmper med personlige dilemmaer, der er forbundet til den hobby, som de elsker, men som de også frygter omverdens reaktion på. Scenariet foregår i et boligblokområde nord for København og forløber over en mørk vinter frem mod et begyndende forår og en stor konkurrence, som pigerne træner til.
Scenariet spilles semi-live, og der udleveres kæpheste til spillerne. Kæphestene Thunder, Silja og Eyvindur har deres egen personlighed og temperament, som pigerne selv har fundet på. Hestene kan både forstærke deres ejers personlighedstræk eller forsøge at trække dem i helt andre retninger. Spillerne klædes på til at animere kæphestene og bruge dem til at påvirke fortællingen i den indledende workshop.
Kæphest er et feel-good drama om det mod og den sårbarhed, der findes i at dyrke en interesse og et fællesskab, omverdenen kan have svært ved at forstå.
Played at
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018) | |
♻ | Stockholm Scenario Festival (2018) |
Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Winner, Bedste Virkemidler
The hobbyhorses are effective and well thought out. Its role in both the participants and the characters world creates a focus for both play and atmosphere. The horses have their own personalities, and more than one player will be roleplaying with themselves and their horse. Also the physical hobbyhorse creates a good alibi in the physical exercises.
Nominated, Bedste Formidling
The author’s voice and intentions are clear and to the point throughout the scenario. It is well crafted, easy to read and run, with clear instructions and well communicated themes. Through clear motivations, the bullies are given the same sympathetic treatment as the main characters.
Nominated, Bedste Scenarie
The hobbyhorses are a thoroughly good design choice, and a beautiful counterpart to our own hobby. The sport and the interaction with the hobby horses is acted out in play, and defines the complete experience. The participants are challenged to stick to their interests in spite of social norms, while the tone in the scenario is kept at loving acceptance.
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