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In Plain Sight

System: D&D 5th Edition Living Arcanis 5E
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-6 Spieler


When her young page has gone missing, Calista val’Sheem, a senator from Savona, requests your help to investigate his disappearance. Can you find the missing boy and what evil lies hidden in plain sight?

Pre-Gens are available. Or create your own character following the Living Arcanis Campaign Guide 3.6.3. It can be downloaded from the Official Arcanis Organized Play Campaigns Group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1118837464832751/files/files

The World of the Shattered Empires Awaits!
Written for mature players that desire to explore a setting of varying shades of grey rather than stark black and white, Arcanis seeks to add a layer of intrigue and moral ambiguity to your gaming table. The adventures presented are part of a rich tapestry that tells the story of the people of Arcanis. While some of these adventures may be played independently of one another, they all weave a story and help unlock the multiple mysteries of the world.

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Hier gespielt worden

Con-Ducked (2023)

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