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Alexandria in Zahlen

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Year of Redemption's Rise

System: Starfinder
Teilnehmer: 1 Spielleiter, 3-6 Spieler


OrgaKai Kinnunen
OrgaDaniel Pitherin


Tags: Suitable for all ages, Beginner friendly, Theme program, Finnish-only

Styles: Light game style, Rules heavy

In the aftermath of the Data Scourge, the Starfinder Society fractures along faction lines! Faced with the past mistakes of the Society, the betrayal and heinous crimes of former Starfinders (including the now notorious Historia-Prime), the grievances of active agents, and the weakening of external alliances, First Seeker Ehu Hadif embarks on a year of change, opening the floor to all agents, and giving them a platform through which to voice concerns, plans, ambitions, and lobby for change. Amid this turmoil, Ehu Hadif tasks a team of Starfinders with assisting three minor factions he believes are integral to the future of the Starfinder Society: the longstanding Manifold Host and the newly formed Advocates and Cognates factions, led by well-respected Starfinders Zigvigix and Royo. Take the first steps toward a brighter future in the Year of Redemption's Rise!

Bring your own Starfinder Society character between levels 1 and 4, or use a pre-made character to jump right into the action!
Accessibility: The duration of the programme is over two hours without breaks; There are limited opportunities to move around during the programme; The programme includes texts that are essential to participation, and the texts are not available as recordings or read out loud

Hier gespielt worden

Ropecon (2023)


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