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Kasper Christiansen

(AKA: Kasper Kjær Christiansen)


Designer Witch Hunt Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)
Designer Odyssey of Heroes Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)
Designer Emotions
Designer Tribal Conquest: A new Dawn Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)


Fastaval - Otto i Eventyrland (2018)

Witch Hunt: Winner, Bedste Brætspil
Witch Hunt er et asymmetrisk kortspil, hvor du i rollen som heks eller heksejæger skal nå at fuldføre henholdsvis et ritual eller en heksejagt før din modstander. I løbet af spillet har du mulighed for at påvirke byens borgere og sågar komme til at anklage de forkerte, hvilket kan lede til problematiske dødsfald, som hæver spillets sværhedsgrad.

Witch Hunt nomineres for at være et velbalanceret asymmetrisk kortspil. Fælles handlinger med overlappende spilmekanikker, kombineret med meget forskellige måder at spille kort på, giver et meget dynamisk og intenst spil, hvor sejren først afgøres i sidste sekund.
Witch Hunt is an asymmetric card game, where you as witch or hunter must complete either a ritual or a witch trial respectively before your opponent. You can levy the help of the citizens of the village during the game, but you might end up accusing the wrong person. The death of an innocent will increase the difficulty for the hunter.

Witch Hunt is nominated for being a well-balanced asymmetric card game. Common actions with overlapping game mechanics combined with very different ways of playing cards result in a dynamic and intense game. The outcome is not certain until the very last second.

Fastaval - Otto in Space (2020)

Odyssey of Heroes: Nominated, Bedste Innovation
Odyssey of Heroes er et kooperativt brætspil for 2-4 spillere, hvor heltene kæmper mod både indre og ydre kræfter for at fuldføre deres rejse. I løbet af spillet vil heltene forbedre deres evner, træffe svære beslutninger og kæmpe mod monstre fra den græske mytologi såsom satyrer, kæmper, harpyer og sirener. Spillet kombinerer kampe inspireret af rpg-computerspil, en rollespilskampagne-oplevelse og ‘choose your own adventure’ i bedste Sværd og Trolddom-stil.
Odyssey of Heroes nomineres for de vellykkede narrative ambitioner om et velskrevet og episk eventyr, og den gradvise oplæring i spillets regler, så man er i gang med at imponere guderne med heltegerninger på et øjeblik.

Odyssey of Heroes is a cooperative game for 2-4 players in which the heroes fight both inner and outer forces to complete their journey. During the game the heroes improve their abilities, make difficult decisions and fight monsters from the greek mythology like satyrs, giants, harpies and sirens. The game combines combats inspired by rpg-computer games, a roleplaying campaign experience and ‘choose your own adventure’ in true Sword and Sorcery style.
Odyssey of Heroes is nominated for succeeding with the narrative ambitions of a well written and epic adventure and the gradual teaching of the game, so that you quickly get to impressing the gods with heroic deeds.


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