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Guns, Grizzlies & Naked Grandmas

Omslag till Guns, Grizzlies & Naked Grandmas


GrafiskformNicolai Enggren
GrafiskformDaniel Meilbøg


GUNS, GRIZZLIES & NAKED GRANDMAS is an upcoming strategic card game - full of crazy murder mysteries, creative weaponries and random police inspections!
The setup is simple - Last night an unusual group of friends went out, got blackout drunk and witnessed a terrible murder!
However, waking up the next day no one remembers who actually did it or how it happened, only that some poor old grandma now lies dead somewhere out in the city. Unfortunately for you, the police have zero leads except for a very unflattering picture your drunk asses next to an (at that time) very alive grandmother! It is only a matter of time before the police finds you and puts your stories to the test! The only way out is to either craft the perfect story in order to clear your name or leave an undoubtful amount of evidence on one of your poor unknowing friends, making sure that at least YOU will not be the one locked up.
- GUNS, GRIZZLIES & NAKED GRANDMAS pin you up against your friends in a high-speed chase towards a complete story or away from all the terrible evidence you suddenly find all around you. This amazing new card game is being designed at this very moment, growing ever closer to its release, which will take place on KICKSTARTER early 2021!

Spelat på

Viking-Con 39 (2020)
Viking-Con 40 (2021)


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