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Iustitia Hungarica

System: LARP
Deltagare: 1-2 SL, 12 spelare


✏️Bertold Virág (Douwe)
✏️István Bánfalvi (Owden)
✏️Tamás Bánffy (Sir Thomas)


The English translation of Iustitia Hungarica (Hungarian Justice) from the official game pitch:

Number of Players: 12
Age limit: 18+
Premiere: yes
Duration: 4 hours
Viewing point: murder mystery
Game designer: Sir Thomas, Owden, Douwe

...A case, a defendant, a trial, a judge, a jury.

12 randomly selected people who must decide in a murder case: is the accused guilty or innocent?
A small courtroom, super-cooled, air-conditioned air, a jug of water, glasses, a packet of paper and some pens. That's all you and your 11 partners have to make the difficult life-or-death decision.

You've never seen the others, you don't know what they are like, what they think or how they would vote. Yet now you must work with them to make the decision as quickly as possible.

The game introduces you to a new murder case with twists and turns through the 12 Angry Men system, which has run many times before.

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