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Doing It For Themselves

System: GURPS Discworld
Deltagare: 1 SL, 5 spelare


✏️Dave Hayes (I)


It’s a tough job trying get by. Some say it’s the economy (most mispell it), others complain it’s the Indignity of trying to be a Woman of Opinion in a Male-Dominated Society bound by Tradition even though it’s the Century of the Anchovy.
Some say precious little at all, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Regardless of your opinions (capital “O” optional), it’s a tough
job to get by, particularly with the tough job you’ve got. The hours are terrible (you’re still getting used to sleeping through the day), the expected uniform leaves MUCH to be desired and lugging around a rickety stepladder could do your back in quicker than climbing through windows. That’s before you even have to deal with the kids. Yep. Being a tooth fairy is a harsh deal. It’s a tough job trying get by. Some say it’s the economy (most mispell it), others complain it’s the Indignity of trying to be a Woman of Opinion in a Male-Dominated
Society bound by Tradition even though it’s the Century of the Anchovy. Some say precious little at all, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Regardless of your opinions (capital “O” optional), it’s a tough job to get by, particularly with the tough job you’ve got. The hours are terrible (you’re still getting used to sleeping through the day), the expected uniform leaves MUCH to be desired and lugging around a rickety stepladder could do your back in quicker than climbing through windows. That’s before you even have to deal with the kids.
Yep. Being a tooth fairy is a harsh deal.

A Gurps Discworld game for 5 beings of a generally humanoid persuasion.

Spelat på

Gaelcon (2011)

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