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Within the Prairies

Omslag till Within the Prairies

System: Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Deltagare: 1 SL, 2-6 spelare


✏️Marlowe Miller

UK GamesExpo (2023), NEC and Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, Storbritannien

ArrangörTerence Thambipillai


With permission secured and access granted, a team of Pathfinder agents must escort an ancient star gun to one of the last remaining star gunsmiths, a mysterious figure that hasn’t been seen in several years. The Pathfinders must convince the gunsmith to emerge from hiding and repair the weapon, allowing them to return it to its original home and make connections with a town on the inside of Arcadia.

A villain watches from afar, angered at having been tricked by the Society, and plots to attack the team and the gunsmith, endangering innocent lives in the process. It’s up to the Pathfinders to defeat her and her forces, ensuring peace within the prairies of Arcadia!

This adventure is the second part of the two-part Star Gun metaplot arc in the Year of Boundless Wonder, following up on the events of Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-12: Negotiations for the Star Gun.

Pre-generated characters willl be available.

Spelat på

UK GamesExpo (2023)
Q-Con (2023)

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