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Unconventional Odyssey

System: LARP
Deltagare: 6-12 spelare, Players who will have one character for the entire game: 3-5, Players who will be playing multiple characters over the course of the game: 3-7


✏️Kirt Dankmyer
✏️Jon Lemich


UnConventional Odyssey is a fun, comedic horde game about three (to five) LARPers, dressed as vampires, whose car breaks down on the way to a convention. In the signup, they're referred to as "the cast". They then encounter a wide variety of people and not-people (such as zombies), most of whom are memorable, but ultimately useless in their quest to get to the con.

CAN our LARPing adventurers make it from the middle of nowhere to their con? Why are no two vampires dressed alike? What are these random people doing out in a cornfield and why do so many of them look alike? The horde players will play multiple short roles, switching during the game. This is a light and breezey LARP where you don't have to be IN character, just enjoy being A character - or several. All characters are designed to be as gender-neutral as possible, but since romantic liasons are a big theme of the game, be aware of possible "pairings" that might result. Happy to discuss any accommodations.

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Intercon T: Turtles (2020)

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