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You'll Never Drink Blood In This Town Again

System: LARP
Deltagare: 20-35 spelare, Male characters: 10-20, Female characters: 10-15


✏️Cynthia Cooper


Everybody knows who Rabidd Dogg is – he’s one of the hottest lycanthrope rappers in the country right now, and he’s considering starting a film career. Tonight Rabidd Dogg is throwing a house party in his mansion in the Hollywood Hills. He’s invited some friends and some bigwigs from the record and film industries. The party’s expected to get a little wild, but everybody there knows that this is going to be where and when the Dogg finally signs with a studio.

This is also a place to see and be seen. Just being invited to a Rabidd Dogg party is a social coup, and the Dogg’s invited a few well-behaved journalists … journalists he can trust to overlook any strange or scandalous happenings while taking newsworthy and family-friendly pictures of the guests for Them Weekly.

**Warning: while this game is primarily a comedy, it does deal with many of the darker issues of Hollywood life, including sex, drugs, and violence. In addition, there are strong racial themes, including human ethnicities. This game is not appropriate for anyone under 18.**

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Intercon L (2012)

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