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The King's Unplanned Vacation

System: LARP
Deltagare: 10-40 spelare

Arrangerat av

Mar-Vista Enterprises


✏️Sharon MacFarlane


If you sign up for this game, you MUST sign up for BOTH runs.

The first run is the game start up. The game will continue concurrently for the rest of the con. The second run is the game conclusion. You can play other games during the convention if you sign up for this game.

* * * The Leprechauns are angry. Their gold has been stolen, and right before St. Patrick's Day! They suspect the Fairies, and so they kidnap the King of the Fairies, and hide him away, disguised as a Leprechaun.

The Fairies are now also angry. They want their King back. And, yes, they have the gold, but they have hidden it in several locations.

Ambassadors for each side meet and exchange lists of clues, and the hunt is on. Which side will complete their list first? Will hostilities break out? Does the King want to be found? Is any of the gold totally missing? If so, who has it, and where?

Spelat på

Intercon D (2004)

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