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Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers Present An Evening of Indian Intrigue

System: LARP
Deltagare: 10-17 spelare


✏️Beth Kelly
✏️Alex Newman


March 1, 1888: You are invited by Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers to their newest "acting evening". It's a chance to cast off stuffy England's inhibitions and delve into exotic India, without ever leaving London. Will you be a barrister, cast as an elephant trainer? A proper lady thrust into the role of courtesan? Or a financier, who suddenly finds himself a jungle adventurer?

Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers Present An Evening of Indian Intrigue is a brand-new game from Beth Kelly & Alex Newman, the team that brought you Battle Beyond Infinity!!!! and the psychological thriller Long, Cold, Night. Players are guests at a Victorian gathering — who are then cast in a game-within-a-game set in a mythical version of India.

March, 1888: You are invited by Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers to their newest 'acting evening'. It's a chance to cast off stuffy England's inhibitions and delve into exotic India, without ever leaving London. Will you be a barrister, cast as an elephant trainer? A proper lady thrust into the role of courtesan? Or a financier, who suddenly finds himself a jungle adventurer?

Players are guests at a Victorian gathering -- who are then cast in a Game-within-a-game set in a mythical version of India.

"An Evening of Indian Intrigue" is the original game in the popular "Her Majesty's Parlour Adventurers" series by Beth Kelly & Alex Newman. It hasn't been run in seven year, so don't miss this chance to play it!

This game is suitable for players age 16 and older.

Spelat på

Intercon C (2003)
Intercon K (2011)

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