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Dark Places

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(alias: Mørkets steder)


✏️Mo Holkar

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Tre romerske legionærer og en lokal guide rejser sammen ind i mørkets hjerte, dybt inde i det mytiske Keltiske Britannien. Der skal de forsøge at fange desertøren kommandør Curtius. Men vil de ende med at fortabe sig selv i de endeløse skove i forsøget på at nå deres mål?

Det er Kejser Claudius tredje regeringsår. Rom erobrer mere og mere af det fjerne nordlige land Britannia, hvor en lille gruppe elitesoldater og deres lokale guide, en tidlig morgen gør sig rede til at modtage ordrer om en tophemmelig mission.

“Rejs op ad floden Thames til de barbariske områder. Find den romerske desertør Curtius og uskadeliggør ham.”

Men hvor langt skal man rejse ind i mørkets hjerte, førend Roms overlegne civilisation ikke længere er bolværket imod primitiv og ældgammel mystik?

Mørkets steder handler om fire personers kamp imod en livsfarlig slipstrøm af mental og moralsk nedbrydning, når civilisationens tynde lag fernis pludselig begynder at krakelere omkring dem.

Three Roman legionaries and a local priestess travel into the heart of darkness, in mystical Celtic Britain, to capture the renegade commander Curtius. To find him, will they have to lose themselves?

It’s the third year of Emperor Claudius’s reign. Rome is conquering the far northern land of Britannia: and a small team of soldiers are ready for a special mission. Guided by a local priestess, they will travel up the Thames, deep into the wild and mystical forests, to find a renegade Roman commander named Curtius: and to arrest, or terminate, him. This will be a journey into the heart of darkness.

How useful are civilized values, in the mystery and confusion of the world outside civilization? Dark Places is about disintegration, and about what might be found in the wreckage.

The four characters have different aims, capabilities, and weaknesses. They will be pushed towards breaking point and towards barbarism. How they will respond – bend, break, turn, explode – is up to the players.

In Dark Places, we see that civilization is a thin crust, which only stays intact if we agree not to look beneath. A dog is just two missed meals away from a wolf, when things start to break down. It may be useful to be prepared.

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Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)


Fastaval - Solarpunk (2021)

Nominated, Deltagernes Pris (Tredjeplads)

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