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Amber – The Morning After The Night Before

System: Amber
Deltakere: 4-6 players


✏️Anna J


Say what you like about brother / uncle (delete as applicable!) Random, he does know how to throw a good party. It’s been a couple of years since Patternfall and things have settled down to a new tempo in Castle Amber. Random has increasingly relaxed into his new role as king of Amber and of late has thrown some really impressive parties. Last night’s for example featured enough exotic beverages to have made everyone’s heads swim and you’re not quite sure you remember the entire evening, although you do have vague recollections of an argument at some point last night – still, hardly an Amber family gathering without one…

…as you wake up your first awareness is of the sounds of shouting and doors opening and running footsteps. Then you heard the sounds of screaming. You go out into the corridor where all around you relatives are emerging from their chambers and heading towards the source of the disturbance…the King’s chambers. Inside Random is rocking in the centre of the floor, covered in blood with a bloody knife in his hand. In the bed, drenched in blood and clearly dead is Queen Vialle.

The guards explain to the gathered family that they heard a scream and broke in only to find Random next to Vialle with the knife in his hand. Random is taken into custody, still apparently in shock. No-one can quite believe he would do this, but the guards are adamant no-one else had access to their suite.

You have your own reasons for wanting to be part of the investigation and you’re determined to be included so you petition to be allowed to investigate along with some of your other relatives who you imagine also have their own interests driving them to participate.


In addition to the usual stuff, explain what you might have argued with Random about (if only you could remember) and why you want into the investigation

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AmberCon NI (2024)

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