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Perils of the Deep

Forside til Perils of the Deep

Deltakere: 2-4 players


DesignerSøren Brandborg
DesignerMark Elsdon


Tag med på en dristig rejse i ‘Perils of the Deep’, et spændende kortspil, hvor modige søfarere navigerer gennem farlige handelsruter ved hjælp af snedig strategi og evnen til at bygge et stærkt dæk. Balancér mellem fart og forsigtighed, kæmp mod rivaler om værdifulde skatte, og mød uforudsigelige farer, fra skarpe rev til den dødelige Kraken! Vil du mestre havene og til sidst stå som den mest snedige kaptajn?

I ‘Perils of the Deep’ påtager to til fire spillere sig rollen som frygtløse kaptajner, der hver styrer to skibe gennem en række ekspeditioner, gennem skiftende sejlruter med øer og snoede vandveje.

Gameplayet er enkelt, da spillerne trækker tre kort hver runde og spiller to – ét for hvert af deres skibe. Dette holder runderne hurtige, men tilbyder stadig masser af plads til taktiske valg.

Spillets kerne ligger i kløgtig deck-building, da spillerne, når de tjener mønter, straks kan bruge dem til at købe nye kort, hvilket gør det muligt at tilpasse deres skibes evner, våben og besætning. Spillerne vil være i stand til at skabe stærke kombinationer og få bonusser for at spille to kort af samme type. Dette betyder, at der er masser af variation i de strategier, der kan anvendes.

Spillerne ønsker at sejle så hurtigt som muligt, for at indsamle skatte der er spredt ud på sejlruterne. Men twistet er, at det kun er spillernes bageste skib der indbringer de vigtige point ved slutningen af ekspeditionen, baseret på skibets placering. Dette skaber et behov for at balancere mellem fart og forsigtighed. Spillerne skal strategisk håndtere begge skibe, hvilket gør hvert træk til en velovervejet risiko.

Et yderligere twist findes gennem Peril-mekanikken. Når et stærkt kort spilles, eller en farlig rute vælges, vil det ofte ske med en tilknyttet Peril-omkostning, hvilket medfører tab af et antal besætningsmedlemmer. Spillerne har kun 10 besætningsmedlemmer til hver ekspedition, og hvis de løber tør, er alt tabt – i hvert fald for dén ekspedition! For at gøre tingene endnu farligere vendes der en Peril-kort, som påvirker alle spillere, ved slutningen af hver runde. Med risiko for at navigere i skarpe rev, sejle ind i stærke storme eller at blive konfronteret af Kraken bliver hvert træk mod ekspeditionens afslutning et spil om overlevelse.

‘Perils of the Deep’ tilbyder en spændende kombination af strategisk deck-building og taktisk risikovillighed, hvor spillere stræber efter at udmanøvrere rivalerne, overvinde farlige odds og tæmme de ubarmhjertige tidevande, for til sidst at stå alene med sejren.

Embark on a daring voyage in ‘Perils of the Deep’, a thrilling card game where bold seafarers navigate treacherous trade routes, employing cunning strategy and deck-building prowess. Balance speed and caution, race against rivals for valuable rewards, and face unpredictable perils, from Jagged Rocks to the deadly Kraken! Will you master the seas and emerge as the most cunning captain?

In ‘Perils of the Deep’ two to four players take on the roles of intrepid captains, each commanding two ships over a series of expeditions, through an ever-changing landscape adorned with intricate islands and winding waterways.

The gameplay is deceptively simple, as players will draw three cards each round and play two – one for each of their ships. This keeps the turns fast but still offers plenty of room for tactical choice.

The core of the game lies in skillful deck-building, as whenever a player earns coins, they can immediately spend them to buy new cards, allowing for the customisation of their ships' abilities, armaments, and crew. Players will be able to create powerful combos, and gain bonuses for playing a pair of cards of the same type, meaning there is plenty of variety in the strategies that can be employed.

Players will want to race ahead as quickly as possible to grab the treasure that is strewn across the map, but a twist lies in the fact that each player’s rearmost ship is the one that gains the game-winning points at the end of the expedition, based on its progress. This creates the need for a delicate balance between speed and caution; players must strategically manage both vessels, making every move a calculated risk.

A further twist is added to the game through the Peril mechanic. When a powerful card is played, or a dangerous route chosen, it will often come with an associated Peril cost, causing the loss of a number of brave crew. Players have only 10 crew counters to last them each expedition, and if they run out, all is lost – for that expedition at least! To make matters even trickier, a Peril Card is flipped at the end of each round, and will affect all players. From navigating Jagged Rocks and enduring Storms to confronting the looming terror of a Kraken, each turn towards the expedition’s end becomes a gamble.

‘Perils of the Deep’ offers a thrilling combination of strategic deck-building and tactical risk taking, where players strive to outmaneuver rivals, conquer perilous odds, and tame the unforgiving tides to emerge victorious.

Perils of the Deep er et spændende kortspil, hvor dristige kaptajner konkurrerer om skatte og magt i farvandenes farer. Styr to handelsskibe gennem øhavet, træf taktiske valg og opbyg det perfekte dæk for at gribe chancer og overvinde udfordringer. Balancer risiko og belønning, bekæmp rivaliserende kaptajner og undgå farer som pirater og havmonstre. Dette spil kombinerer strategisk deckbuilding og taktisk risiko for dem, der søger spænding på havet.
Regler: 15 minutter
Spiltid: 45-90 minutter

Spilt på

Test run Aarhus Brætspilsfestival 2024 (2024)
Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)


Fastaval - Otto & jagten på den gyldne pingvin (2024)

Winner, Bedste brætspil
Perils of the Deep fully embraces its core theme to deliver a well-presented deck building experience in a game involving pirates, perils and push your luck. With a deck building mechanic that allows for several strategies to win, you can choose to either; sail as fast as possible to gather treasures and brave peril; board your opponents or even employ magic from the Caribbean. And these things all add to the nomination of best board game for Perils of the Deep.
Nominated, Bedst Formidlede Brætspil
Perils of the Deep presents itself in an easily accessible and strongly engaging way.
With a high attention to detail around the game components you easily find yourself submerged in the role as a captain of a pirate ship embarking on new adventures and treasure hunts.
The overall quality of the game almost makes you wonder whether the game is actually store-bought, and the rules are well structured with simple, recognisable icons and examples making for a fully enjoyable player experience.
When your salty crew has struggled its way through the last expedition, you’ll find yourself having a hard time resisting the siren song of another round.

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