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Slaughterhouse Sleepover

System: Call of Cthulhu
Deltakere: 1 GM, 5 players


✏️Patrick Coyle


(Trigger Warning: Contains strong violence, gore and mistreatment of animals. May not be suitable for minors.) Why did you ever think working in a slaughterhouse would have been a good idea?! It was supposed to have been an easy Friday! But no, something had to break down, then the snow started falling and the last of pigs were late, then that arse of a manager decided that YOU were one of the few staying behind to sort out the last few pigs! Now word has come in that the snow has blocked the road back to town and won’t be cleared until morning! And to top it all off, that really creepy vet is on duty! Could this day get any worse?! sigh At least there isn’t a powercut, right..?

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Itzacon XI (2015)

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