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The Greatest Show on Earth

System: Call of Cthulhu
Deltakere: 1 GM, 6 players


ArrangørDavid Bailey
ArrangørChristopher Primeau


Everyone loves the circus and a carnival—especially those who are young at heart. It is with great joy and anticipation that the residents of Seward, Nebraska welcome Gilbert Gore’s Traveling Circus a week before the annual Fourth of July celebration that has been celebrated in the town since 1868. This carnival has been billed as the "Greatest Show on Earth," if the flyers can be believed. It has everything! And it is with great excitement that all look forward to the performances, rides, and games to be found there. You and your high school friends are just as anxious to attend as anyone. But it turns out that all is not as it seems—you believe that something strange is going on at the carnival. However, the city leaders and your parents don’t believe you. You and your friends are determined to prove them wrong and get to the bottom of it, no matter what it takes!

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Chaosium Con (2023)

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