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All children of God

(alias: Kaikki Jumalan lapset)

System: Storytell
Deltakere: 1 GM, 3-4 players




Year 1918, London, Solicitor's Office.
You had received an invitation to the distribution of the inheritance. You didn't even know you had living relatives. At least there is one less of them now.
There are a few others in the room who are apparently distantly related to you.
You have inherited a country house with all its movables.
You don't waste time, but take the same route by train to a nearby village and from there by taxi to the manor.
It's night when you get there and it looks like it's going to be stormy.

Vuosi 1918, Lontoo, asianajajantoimisto.
Olit saanut kutsun perinnönjakoon. Et edes tiennyt sinulla olevan sukulaisia elossa. Ainakin niitä on nyt yksi vähemmän.
Huoneessa on muutama muukin, jotka ilmeisesti ovat sinulle kaukaista sukua.
Olette perineet maalaiskartanon kaikkine irtaimistoineen.
Ette hukkaa aikaa, vaan lähdette samaa matkaa junalla läheiseen kylään ja siitä taksilla kartanolle.
On yö kun saavutte perille ja siitä näyttäisi tulevan myrskyisä.

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Ropecon (2018)

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