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RPG system: LARP
Participants: 1 GM, 10 players


✏️Tamás Sztankó (Hulla)


The English translation of Metro from the official game pitch:

Number of players: 10
Age limit: 18+
Premier: no (2017)
Duration: 3 hours
Viewing point: immersion
Game creator: Hulla

Please be careful, the doors are closing..

A few members of the public on a Budapest metro line board one of the carriages of a recently inaugurated state-of-the-art train. Little do they know that they are about to embark on a strange and fateful journey, where the stakes are higher than whether they will reach the next station on time.

The story will take place in a small and confined space, with a few unique and personalised objects as props. The background for the role will be released well before the game starts.

The game will consist of a longer story and a short, but distinctive epilogue. The latter is an integral part of the events.

Played at

VII. Kamara LARP hétvége (2023)

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