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CREATE Jam 2018 - Spooky fall edition (2018)

CREATE Jam 2018 - Spooky fall edition

Location: CREATE Aalborg University, Denmark 🗺️
Date: 16. - 18. November 2018

Part of: CREATE Jam

About the convention:

Hi everyone!!
We are back with the fall edition, this time a spooooky one! Themed clothing is encouraged, but not mandatory at all ❤

This year for the first time Create Jam will also accomodate BOARDGAME creators! We will try to provide relevant materials such as blank cards, dice, paper, various (hexagon, squared) board pieces and so on, but please bring your own office supplies just in case, so that we have enough ❤
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Location: Room 4.521; top level (button 5 in the elevator), straight to the right from the elevator

If you're not a student that has access to the Create building, please write your CARD number (AAU student card) in our sign up sheet :)
If you would like to sleep over at Create one or both days, then also please fill the sheet below :)

For the ones who haven't heard of CREATE JAM:

The Create Jam is an event held for the Aalborg University students taking place twice a year in spring and fall. Its main purpose is to create games in 48 hours and help students get to know each other and make great memories. It is a lot of fun and we have snacks!!!

We haven't had access to a program for this convention. The list is simply based on external references, memory, rumours and so on and the list might not be completed.
If you have a correction or are in access of a program then please send us an update.



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