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Secure, Contain, Protect

RPG system: FATE
Participants: 1 GM, 5 players


✏️Aidan Marsh
OrganizerAidan Marsh


As agents of The Foundation, it’s your job to go out there and find the oddities of life. The things that don’t quite fit in with the rest of reality. That’s the Secure. Then you bring them in, and lock them away - in a cell, a locker, sometimes even a briefcase will do. Either way, they’re shut away where they can’t do any damage. That’s the Contain.

But sometimes, sometimes they get loose. And that’s when the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] really hits the fan. Because that’s when you have to work out who lives and who dies. That’s when you have to decide who to protect.

Played at

LepreCon XXXIX (2018)

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