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Clocktower Girls & the Renovationary War

RPG system: FATE Accelerated
Participants: 1 GM, 6 players


OrganizerMicheal Calnan
OrganizerDave Hayes


For the First time in a long time St. Theodora’s Finishing School for Modern Ladies is not having financial difficulties and can start to fix some of those little niggling problems in the school. The frays in the rope in the Gymnasium, the crack in the glass pane in the teachers withdrawing room, the 5th dimension that seems to persist in the thaumaturgy Laboratory in the Victoria Wing. There is just one problem. Your secret hideout the school’s clocktower is due to be renovated and what are you supposed to do with the extra-dimensional entity you’ve been hiding there?!

Played at

BeAcon V (2019)

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