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The Beasts

System: Call of Cthulhu
Deltagere: 1 GM, 5 spillere


✏️Erica Rodger


Will contain horror, violence, blood and gore.
The year is 2108, The world your grandparents were born into no longer exists and you have grown in the dark times. The times after the awakening of the great evil. Humanity has collapsed and ceased to exists in the ways once known, The weaker beast hide within the shadows but the ones we've only heard of in legends roam freely. They have claimed this planet for their own. They have vowed to rid this world of pest, and only keep caged humans as a food source.
The only hope we have left is the one we've heard whispers off, The stories say they are the only human alive with pure blood within their veins. They have not been infected by the diseases the darkness brought forward.
After ninety years of living in fear the remaining infected humans have decided to rebel and reclaim the world for their own.
You have been asked to stand with your fellow man in the face of the beasts, this may be the only chance that humanity will have to rid the world of the darkness the has swallowed it whole, You stand to become a legend, in life or death you will be remembered and your name will not be forgotten.
Pack your supplies, ready yourself and be under no illusions you may not make it home.

Spillet på

Itzacon XV (2019)

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