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A Desert is Thirsty

System: D&D 5th Edition
Deltagere: 1 GM, 5 spillere


✏️Padraig Murphy


They say the ancients angered the gods, and the world was rent to ash and dust. You used to wonder about such things, but village life leaves little time for these musings now. You eek a living from carefully tended crops, drying wells, and trade goods hauled up from beneath the dunes. You try not to think about why the nearby village of Elroth no longer light their cook-fires, or why strange figures now walk the dunes by night, eyeless and whispering of a terrible thirst...
By day you farm, for the crops won't care for themselves. But at night you sit now, awake in your yurt, sharpening an ancient blade, looted long ago and near forgotten. For the eyeless whisperers grow closer each night, and you are no longer sure it is water they seek to slake their thirst...

A D&D 5th edition game for 5 players by Podge Murphy

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Itzacon XII - ...on the road to hell... (2016)

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