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Tin Soldiers (Blackbox)

RPG system: Blackbox LARP
Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Participants: 7-9 players, 7 or 9 players


✏️Kari Kvittingen Djukastein
✏️Frederikke Sofie Bech Høyer


We are the forgotten children who meet at night around the bonfire to tell stories about reality. We are the heroes who fight against all odds to create a better world. We live everywhere and nowhere. We are at the same time lost and found. Lost in people’s minds, found by our never-ending quest. Do you ever see us?

The Tin Soldiers is a game about a group of children who find a world of hope and dreams together, and fights evil. Every night, they meet to tell the truth about what happened that day, and to decide on their new goals.

As a player, you will play as both the children in the real world, and the children as heroes in a fantasy world. During the game, the children will undergo a transformation to either angel or demon. Towards the end, the two sides will confront each other.

Vi er de glemte børn, der om natten mødes omkring bålet for at fortælle historier om virkeligheden. Vi er heltene, der kæmper mod alle odds for at skabe en bedre verden. Vi lever ingensteds og overalt. Vi er både fortabte og genfundne. Forsvundet i folks sind, fundet i vores evige færd. Får du nogensinde øje på os?

Tin Soldiers er et scenarie om en gruppe børn, der sammen finder en verden af håb og drømme, mens de bekæmper ondskaben. Hver nat mødes de for at fortælle sandheden om, hvad der skete i løbet af dagen og samtidigt sætte deres nye mål i kampen for det gode.

Som deltager spiller du både børnene i den virkelige verden, og som helte i en fantasiverden. I løbet af scenariet vil børnene undergå en transformation til at blive enten en engel eller en dæmon. Mod slutningen vil de to sider konfrontere hinanden.

Played at

Black Box Horsens (2016)
Blackbox Cph VI (2016)
Grenselandet (2016)

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