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A Night in Drapers’ Ward

RPG system: Dishonored
Participants: 1 GM, 5 players


OrganizerAaron Billingham


Short Description: Deliver a tribute to the Dead Eels Gang… and survive to tell the tale

Long Description: As Edgar Wakefield extends the territory of the Dead Eels Gang further inland, smaller street crews must bend the knee or fight for every alley. Your job on this dark night, as Scraps of the Cutters Gang, is to deliver the Cutters’ tribute to the Dead Eels, your boss having thought better of fighting the Eels’ many gaff hooks. So now, as the foghorn sounds from Kingsparrow Island, you find yourself walking cautiously towards the Wrenhaven River, nervously spying increasing numbers of gap-toothed grins and glinting hooks in the shadowed alleyways.

Trigger Warnings: Plague, rats, gangs, combat/violence

Played at

Conpulsion (2023)

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