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Front page for YOLO

Genre: Komedie, Novellescenarie
Participants: 1 GM, 4 players


✏️Lasse Blichfeldt Hansen


PDF Scenario [Danish] (2.7 MB)
PDF Scenario [English] (3 MB)


Four youngsters go to a beach house to party, like there is no tomorrow – for one of them, this is the case.

YOLO is a scenario in two acts. The first one is the party getting more and more crazy, the more drinks they drink and coke they snort. In the course of the evening, they all get blackouts. During the act, any player can choose to pick up the death-card, causing their character to die at the end of the act. Besides of this, everything is in character.

The second part is the next morning. Waking up a weird place. The hangover. And finding the corpse. After this the big question is: ”What the fuck happened yesterday?”. To recollect the events of yesterevening they grab their phones to see, what they can learn. Is one of them a killer? This act consists of flashback-scenes, based on short chat-threads distributed by the player with the death-card to the other players – the player then sets a scene from the chat-thread.

The players have a lot of freedom shaping the story from handouts, the characters and their potential conflicts.

Fire unge tager i sommerhus for at feste, som var der ingen morgendag – for en af dem, er dette tilfældet.

YOLO er et scenarie i to akter. Den første akt er festen, der bliver vildere og vildere, jo flere drinks, der ryger ned og jo mere coke, der bliver sniffet. I løbet af aftenen, får de alle blackout. I løbet af akten, kan alle spillerne vælge, om de vil tage døden-kortet, så det er deres karakter, der dør ved aktens afslutning. Ellers foregår alt in character.

Anden akt er morgenen efter. Opvågningen et underligt sted. Tømmermændene. Og fundet af liget. Herefter er det store spørgsmål: "Hvad fanden skete der i går?!". For at få en idé om gårsdagens begivenheder, griber de til deres smartphones for at se, hvad de kan finde ud af. Er en af dem morder? Denne akt køres som flashback-scener baseret på nogle korte chat-samtaler, som den afdødes spiller giver som handouts til de andre spillere. Hver af spillerne kommer således til at være hovedperson i en flashbackscene, som personen selv sætter ud fra handoutet.

Spillerne har en del frihed til at forme handlingen ud fra handouts, karaktererne og deres potentielle konflikter.

Played at

Fastaval (2016)


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